Tech Tips


I have put together resources that I have to help teachers preparing for e-learning. Obviously, when using e-learning, especially with little time to prepare, you will not be able to cover your usual material. Here are some tips from Illinois Digital Educators Alliance (IDEA) check them out at or on social media @ideaillinois.

  1. Remember your WHY! The skill development and learning targets continue to be the goal. Don’t make the technology the center of your design. 
  2. Don’t focus on trying to recreate the “normal content” you would in the classroom. Instead take part of what you normally do and create remote learning experiences around that. It's not about what the students complete but instead what you create for them to work on.
  3. Start practicing now with the framework and tools you'd consider using for remote learning.
  4. Don't add too much "new". While there are plenty of tech tools available, it’s important not to water down the content you are delivering with too many new tech tools at once.
  5. Plan your remote learning experiences around what you want your learners to be able to know, do and understand. Capitalize on moments when students can demonstrate this in creative ways. For example, can they record a video of themselves reading a recipe and demonstrate their understanding of fractions while cooking in the kitchen versus a worksheet or online program?
  6. Consider accessibility and equity. Now is more important than ever to provide voice and choice. Some students will easily be able to continue learning at home. Others, it will be incredibly difficult for them. Make sure you have alternatives for students who will be impacted differently. We can’t just plan online content and expect that to fix everything. This is also true for sending home packets of papers for students.

Now, you're ready to prepare online learning, but not sure where to start. Here are some tutorials I recorded to help with setting up Google Classroom, using videos to teach, giving quizzes in Google Classroom, and using Flipgrid to interact with students. 

Setting Up Google Classroom

Adding a Video Lesson to Classroom

Giving a Quiz on Google Classroom

Creating a class on Flipgrid

Here is a link to web resources I've compiled for e-learning during school closures: E-Learning Resources by Techy_MrsO


Padlet allows users to create boards where collaborators can add stickies with comments on a topic. These can include links, pictures, and videos. Then, others can "like" a post or respond to it. I recently used Padlet for students researching and debating a topic for opinion writing. They were able to post, comment, respond, and research with all of the classes in our grade level! 

This is a website where students can post videos as a means of discussion. Then, other students can reply with videos as well. I recently used this for students to create their own lessons for others on direct and indirect objects. It is very user friendly as well! 


I recently was gone from school and wanted to have students complete an assignment while I was gone that was going to be difficult to explain in my sub plans. So, I created a video, uploaded it to Google Classroom, and just had the sub share it! I use YouTube often, so I uploaded my video there and posted to Classroom. That way I could also share the link in case anything went wrong with Classroom. I just posted it as "unlisted" so it can only be viewed with the link. 

Google Classroom also allows you post videos straight to it. When you click to add an announcement from the website or the app, there is the option to add an attachment. Whether you choose to record on your computer, Chromebook, or phone, you can upload your video to your drive and attach from there, or attach straight from your device! 

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